Conventional is good, change is better
Bauer Thermoforming GmbH & Co. KG, with its headquarters in the Baden-Württemberg municipality of Talheim and a branch in the district of Horkheim (Heilbronn district) a few kilometers away, is starting the new decade with its young and dynamic team, motivated and confident.
State-of-the-art machinery.
With a state-of-the-art machine park and our highly trained employees, we are able to fulfill any customer request in the areas of plastic deep-drawing, finishing work or plastic injection and zinc die casting, including our own toolmaking. With us, the customer gets everything from a single source – with Bauer Thermoforming, he only has one contact and contractual partner for his order.
Our customers – our values
Quality creates trust!
We have literally earned this over the years and decades through a high degree of reliability. Today, leading DAX companies and global players are among our regular customers – from BMW and Bosch to Daimler, Grohe, Kärcher or Magna to Porsche and Siemens.
Also due to our membership in the GKV, the general association of the plastics processing industry eV in Frankfurt am Main, we see ourselves closely linked to the GKV code of conduct with our own company philosophy. The focus is on compliance with global requirements for ethical and moral action as well as behavior that is correct at all times in accordance with competition and antitrust law.
We firmly believe that
- Innovation ensures success
- Quality leads to the goal
- Service promotes efficiency
In this respect, our company motto must and can only be: No investment, no growth!

Know-how and experience from more than 100 years
The founding of the company by Julius Bauer, who gave its name to today’s company, dates back to 1905. Five decades later, the company was expanded to include the vacuum deep-drawing division. The twin-sheet process followed at the turn of the millennium, and ten years later the processing of thermoformable biomaterials began.
A highlight was the opening of Plant II in 2021 in the neighboring municipality of Horkheim. This signified the beginning and dawn of the much-cited digital decade.

Our Industry Sectors
One team – three business areas – five industries
The competencies of Bauer Thermoforming are divided into the three areas of thermoforming, CNC milling and assembly. All trades and services are provided for the corporate sectors automotive, logistics, medical technology, sustainability and others.

We process bio-plastics in a thermoforming process based on renewable resources. These are biodegradable and recyclable materials with almost unmistakable properties compared to commercially available plastics. The difference: Bio-plastics decompose by rotting – and they can be disposed of by incineration without additional CO² being produced as a result.
Think about tomorrow today!
We developed this bio-thermoforming process together with biopolymer research according to the motto: Think about tomorrow today!

Our history
Know-how from over 100 years
1905: Company founded in Heilbronn by Julius Bauer
1954: Entry into the vacuum deep-drawing business area
1955: Change of shareholders and managing directors
1971: Relocation from Heilbronn to the new company building in Talheim
1999: One of the first companies with the twin-sheet process
2003: Change of the shareholders and managing directors
2007: Bauer Kunststofftechnik GmbH takes over Julius Bauer GmbH
2010: The processing of thermoformable biomaterials begins
2013: Conversion of the company form into a GmbH & Co. KG
2017: Bauer receives the IHK research transfer prize in silver
2019: Change of shareholders and managing directors
2021: Opening of second plant in Horkheim/Heilbronn